Burrell 4483


    The Committee on Labor moved to amend the bill on page two, section one, line three, after the word “authorized” by striking out the period and adding the following: with the following amendment:

    On page three, after subsection 4.2., by inserting a new subsection, designated subsection 4.3., to read as follows:

    “4.3. An employer shall keep posted in a place accessible to all employees an abstract of the West Virginia Wage Payment and Collection law prepared and provided by the Commissioner.”;

    On page four, by striking out all of subsection 7.2. and inserting in lieu thereof a new subsection, designated subsection 7.2., to read as follows:

    “7.2. The scheduled payday for a railroad company shall occur within the time periods specified by West Virginia Code §21-5-2. The scheduled payday for every employer other than a railroad company shall occur at least once every 2 weeks, unless otherwise authorized by special agreement as provided in section eight of this rule.”;

    On page five, by striking out all of subsection 8.3 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

    “8.3. The Commissioner shall notify all employees identified by the employer and provide each employee with an opportunity to respond to the petition.

    8.4. The Commissioner may hold a hearing on the petition for the proposed alternative payday schedule or plan; Provided, that the Commissioner shall give at least 20 days written notice of the time and place of the hearing to the employer and to all employees who would be affected by the proposed alternative payday schedule or plan. Employees shall have the opportunity to submit written comments in lieu of attending the hearing.”;

    By renumbering the remaining subsections;

    On page five, subsection 8.4, by striking out the words “After the hearing” and inserting in lieu thereof the words “Following the submission of the petition, the responses of the affected employees, and the holding of the hearing, if any”;


    On page seven, subsection 10.6, by striking out the words “established by” and inserting in lieu thereof the words “specified in the written demand of”.



